Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Do you see your passion in mine?

Hola! My name is Janet, welcome to my blog! From now on I will be your tour guide to take you on this exciting journey discovering the world of healthy living! Even thought this is designed for an assignment for Kinesiology 140 class at Simon Fraser University, I have always had a passion in looking for ways to live out a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight.

A little side story that explains the reason for my enthusiasm for this topic is that in the line of my father’s family, most of my family members are overweight. I am lucky enough that I had a healthy weight for all past years, but recently I have noticed that my appetite is increasing substantially and my weight is growing in an uncontrollable fast pace. This is when I finally decided that I need to learn more about healthy living and pull myself back in shape again and maintain it afterwards.

I cannot wait to get this running because there is just so much to discover about this topic, and I am looking forward to learn along with you. Do you know that having a healthy weight not only gives us good-looking appearance which I believe most of us want, but it also gains us confidence to make us feel good about ourselves? And of course, importantly it lowers our risks from getting certain chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease. It is researched that overweight women are three times likely to experience a heart attack than those who have a healthy weight. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2011) If you are concerned about your living style, desperate about having a healthy weight or just want to get to know more about health, this is the right place for you to be. :)

I am hoping by updating these blog posts, they can become your and my own reflection in our daily life in terms of self-assessment of how “healthy” we are and increase self- awareness of our bad habits. I will have to end it here today,stay tuned!

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011, January 21). Healthy living can prevent disease. Retrieved from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/cd-mc/healthy_living-vie_saine-eng.php